Overton Pre-school Playgroup


Overton Pre-school Playgroup has been in the heart of the village of Overton for 40 years. As a charity, our focus is to provide quality care and education which can be accessed by all local children.


Outstanding childcare

Rated Outstanding by OfSTED, we care for children aged two upwards in two settings, a playgroup at the Community Centre, and a preschool at Overton Primary School, in a site dedicated to children in their preschool year. Both settings offer well-equipped outdoor space which is used daily throughout the year, as well as a wide range of ever-changing exciting and interesting indoor activities.


Please get in touch to arrange a visit

Sessions Monday – Friday Term-time 

Next year our sessions times are

Preschool 8.45-3.15

Playgroup 8.45-3.15

with morning and afternoon sessions within those times available at both settings.  Please contact us for more info!


contact us

Amanda Igo, Manager

Playgroup: 01256 770370
Preschool: 07718 424723
(during school hours)

Email: hello@overtonplaygroup.com

Overton Community Centre
Winchester Street
RG25 3HS​